You Are Beautiful Challenge!

Today I had the privilege of talking with a group of Year 6 girls about Skincare, Self Esteem and Looking after Yourself. I am starting to do this more regularly now and I am starting with other schools which is great.  It really is a privilege to be able to share with young women and to try and show them how wonderfully made they are.

In today's class I began by talking about how makeup is a tool that they can use but it does not determine whether they are beautiful or not. I asked them "Do you think you are beautiful?" and sadly all of them just looked at me and didn't answer. Now I know that to put your hand up in front of a class and say "Yes I'm Beautiful" is daunting and likely going to get you paid out later but they didn't even show that they thought it at all. I think it is so important to teach our children when they are young that they are beautiful and that means of heart because even if you aren't the best looking person but you have a beautiful heart and share that with people you will light up the world so much more.

I set the girls a challenge that for the next week they would look in the mirror and say
"I am Beautiful, I am Smart and I have a great purpose"
So what do you think about yourself?
I encourage you to join in on the You are Beautiful Challenge and for the next 7 days say this to yourself while looking in the mirror. Of course you can keep going after the week is over but give it a go!
Bec x


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