Presents and presence!

Well first of all I apologise for my lack of posts lately, it wasn't by choice but as I created this post and my website etc as part of my studies (I was doing a Web Communications subject) I was not able to change anything once I had handed it up and so now it has been marked (a Distinction!! woot!!) I am back!

I hope things have been going well for you since my last post, I have been flat out! I put on my sister's Kitchen Tea and Hen's night, I have had singing gigs (my other job) and a Christmas Concert but its all part of the season and I love the hustle and bustle.  So also since my last post my birthday present came from my family (a month late, but the had bought it online a month before so it took 2 months to reach me!!) anyway it was my new Robert Jones Makeup Brushes and i was so excited, check out the pic below, aren't they beautiful???
They are so balanced and soft, I love working with them and have had a bride trial or two since in which they produce wonderful results!!  I mix them with my Mary kay brushes and so I have a fabulous set.

Check out Robert Jones Beauty for these or the Robert Jones Beauty Academy for a great course, he is a fabulous Make up artist and I just love and learn so much from his work.

Another thing I have started to do is face painting and have been with little kids for a while but now I am doing a little on adults (myself included).  One of the gigs I do is called Ice Queens and for it we are dressed as painted as Ice Queens while singing, its fun and quirky.  Take a look below. This painting is more a makeup/face painting mix.

Well I hope this week see's you well and that you are enjoying the Christmas season. Remember to experiment a bit with your makeup for parties, colour is fun!!

Bec x


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